All about your voice.


Quiet : Podcast identity and design

You are new to the world of podcasting ?

You might need :

A Quiet Story.

You’ve always dreamed of being the successful host of a popular show, or you want to market your services to a wider audience? Look no further ; we will help you scale for international success.

Designing your podcast save you time to know exactly WHAT to talk about, WHO to talk to.

  • 2 x 30minutes session to discuss your needs + feedback call

  • Brand Sketching & Podcast Values & Themes

  • Determining your unique selling point

  • Identify your target audience & Guests List

  • Ideal Length & Best Platform

  • Artwork & Podcast Cover

  • Copywriting for intro shownotes

  • Introduction episode + 1st episode EDITING + 60 min podcast COACHING.


PRICE : £2950