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Podcast coaching

My 8 years of experience will come in handy for you as I will make sure you will feel comfortable using the different softwares for pre-production (editing, basic mixing, position, intro and outro) and light post-production (audiogram for social media, cover creation). Giving all the soft skills needed to be a great podcaster, flying with your own wings and bring your angelic voice to the world.


INCLUDING : 1-1 ZOOM Coaching

Full walkthrough on Logic/Garageband/Audacity

Understanding RSS feed

Writing Shownotes optimized for SEO

Audiogram Creation +Market your podcast for Social Media

PRICE : 2 x 60 minutes - £590

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Voice coaching


Want a velvety voice to make your listeners addicted to the soft accents in or the way you pronounce your vowels ? Look no further ! This training goes for podcasters, singers or public speakers. If you tend to have voice fatigue and hoarseness after 30 minutes of recording or everyday chit-chat, we will fix that with simple yet powerful exercises and an overview of what you can do to transform your voice into a sweet caressing melody.

PRICE : 2 x 60 min- £350

INCLUDING : 1-1 ZOOM Coaching Recording

Respiration exercises

Tongue Relaxation

Vowel Workout

Tips to rest your voice

Larynx & Masseter Massage

*Do you have a podcast ?


I have three !

I have one on social justice and afropop culture.

One focusing on introspection and artistic storytelling.

One about media and digital culture.

* Do you offer instalment plans?
Oui. Yes, it is possible.
* What do I need for Podcasting ?
For Podcast coaching : You need to have a microphone and a recording software.

For Podcast Management, you'll need a rss feed. For Podcast set up, we can start from scratch and walkthrough it together if needs be. For Coaching, I recommend starting a Pinterest account before we begin, so you're ready to jump right in!

* Which platform do you use for podcasting?
Squarespace and RSS Feed!

* My needs are really specific … do you offer bespoke pricing?
Yes, we do! Click and we can chat about your needs.